Miss Selena Gomez

Miss Selena Gomez

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Dear our princess................

No word can tell how much we love you
No word can tell what the reason we love you
You're A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
You are beautiful like barbie, like princess
Your look like an angel 
Your smile is sweet like candy
You are our inspiration
Your voice is so awesome
Your laugh, your hair, your fashion, your acting and so much more
No word can tell of all the reason
We'll protect youfrom haters who want to attack you
We here because supported you, Sel
We here because we love you
We won't here if there is not "Selena Gomez"
No "Selenatore" if there is no "Selena Gomez"
So?? We here for you and ONLY you
We'll love you forever and always


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